Monday, May 4, 2009

Lesson Learned

I certainly enjoy reading all of the blogs that end something like this ...and they lived happily ever after... THE END. Most of the time my blog has a happy story or a picture of one or all of my beautiful, smart, clever children, but not today.
This is the short but not so sweet story that occurred about 2am in the Jackson house.
I also need to tell you that for those of you holding out on a dog (Staci and Beth) that you are smart. We have a new puppy, Roxy. Roxy awoke around 1:45 this morning with that I'm hungry and I need a diaper change cry-- or at least open the door and let me outside. I had just settled her back in when I look up to see my sweet little brunette standing over me. Mommy, I don't feel good. I immediately thought back to her dinner of grilled onions and peppers on a tortilla filled with pico, salsa and guacamole and assumed I knew why she did not feel so well. I say, "Honey, lay right here," as I patted the bed next to me. That sure seemed easier than making a pallet in the floor at 2:15am. I'll spare you the details. After it was over and the sheets were changed, I made a mental note to self ... next time make a pallet.


Staci said...

Ugh... the bed. It's *always* the bed. Hope she feels better!

Jeff said...

Poor baby (you). :) I hate making beds and I have to do it way too frequently...let me leave it at that.

We have been missing you terribly. I really hope you are all well (now) and that we can reconnect soon! Love you guys!

oh, btw...Kinsey looks SO different in pics than in real life. Strange! Love, Vicki

Blessed Family

Halloween Loot!

KinElise watching ANOTHER baseball game. I have started having to bribe them to sit through more baseball!

KP running after a ball.

The Pitcher

The Best Looking Catcher You'll Ever See