Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Really...another blog entry

Really, this is my 2nd blog entry within a week! I know that you are thrilled to be reading it! I weighed in at Weight Watchers tonight and lost 3.2 pounds. I am very pleased with 3.2 pounds and have worked hard this week. Hopefully this next week will go well.
I'm also pleased to announce that our family has gone another week without dining out!
Tyler is sick-- coughing his head off and just dragging around. Normally the rule is "no fever, you are headed to school", but his class is benchmarking this week. If you could hear him, you'd understand how difficult it might be for his classmates to focus with him in the room. I'm doing them all a favor and allowing him to stay at home tomorrow.
So, if you are reading this, please leave a comment. I blog for myself, but it is sure nice to know that there is at least one soul out there that takes the time to read it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Completely Out of Touch!

So, it has really been a year since I have last added anything to my blog. Hard to believe! I want to be better about keeping up with it this year. I have decided that I just put too much thought into it- I want to always have something witty to say or something that will have you ROTFL, but I don't. If you want to have that, then check out my sis-in-law's blog at www.planetlinson.blogspot.com I'll just put that pressure on her! She won't let you down; she's always got something great to say.
So, for my own blog, I've decided I need a place to talk about life. 2011 is our year. Chris and I are making some changes to make our lives better. We are trying to make lifestyle changes that will have a positive impact** on our family in the long run.
I've also decided that I am going to use this space to post great recipes that I've tried and think that you should have. I'm learning some ways to make cooking for my family easier and might pass along some things I've learned. As of this post, we have not eaten out in 25 days. If you know my family, you know that is a huge accomplishment for us. It is part of the **above. I will admit that Kin and I did eat out when we went to San Antonio, but other than that- not a single restaurant.
I'm also going to want to talk about losing weight. Are you up for that? I need someone to know how freakin' hard I'm working on getting this weight off. I need someone to tell me how fan-friggin-tastic it is that I've been getting up at 4:40AM and running 3 days a week (thank you April!). And yes, I need you to tell me what a terrific job I'm doing even when I admit to carrying the bag of Oreos to bed with me!
I also want a place to brag about my kids. This is great for you too because now you don't have to worry about seeming rude when you want to walk away instead of listening to me ramble about KKT. I'll never know if you just close my page. Well on second thought, it just might track that in the Stats feature, so you better just read it to avoid an awkward conversation the next time I see you! :)
I will post pictures soon and I will be better at blogging this year. Stay tuned for more episodes.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

+++++++++++++Got Braces?

Today was a big day at our house. Kayden got braces. Now I know that this is a very routine procedure and it happens to many children, but this is my baby girl! She was pretty excited about it (except for some little **** kid at school who convinced her that standard operating procedure for the correct installation of braces was to drill holes in all of your teeth!)> I was a the one that was nervous. I was amazed at how easily they went on and how quickly. Really, I think that I wanted more for my money, but was glad for her that it was practically painless (at least for today). Here are a few before and after shots. Really she is only 8 years old! I promise! I was there when she was born!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Blessed Family

Halloween Loot!

KinElise watching ANOTHER baseball game. I have started having to bribe them to sit through more baseball!

KP running after a ball.

The Pitcher

The Best Looking Catcher You'll Ever See