Wednesday, January 13, 2010

+++++++++++++Got Braces?

Today was a big day at our house. Kayden got braces. Now I know that this is a very routine procedure and it happens to many children, but this is my baby girl! She was pretty excited about it (except for some little **** kid at school who convinced her that standard operating procedure for the correct installation of braces was to drill holes in all of your teeth!)> I was a the one that was nervous. I was amazed at how easily they went on and how quickly. Really, I think that I wanted more for my money, but was glad for her that it was practically painless (at least for today). Here are a few before and after shots. Really she is only 8 years old! I promise! I was there when she was born!

Blessed Family

Halloween Loot!

KinElise watching ANOTHER baseball game. I have started having to bribe them to sit through more baseball!

KP running after a ball.

The Pitcher

The Best Looking Catcher You'll Ever See