Sunday, January 4, 2009

Is it really 2009?

Happy New Year! We are winding down Christmas vacation and gearing up for school to start back up tomorrow. Our vacation began on a sad note, but we have been able to end it with some much needed rest and relaxation. The kids have had lots of time to play with their things and I have had time to UN-decorate our house and put things back in place. I am always so excited to put up our Christmas decorations in November, but am equally glad to have our house back to normal. I look around and it looks dull and empty after the glitter and dazzle of the holiday decorations.
We all had a very Merry Christmas. As usual, the kids got more than they know what to do with, but this year they got several things we can all enjoy. A Wii, board games, books...
I have had to remind Chris (on several occasions) that the Wii belongs to the children. I think that he is having as much fun with it as they are. All 3 kids got several games that can be played without wanting to poke your eyes out!Bye-bye Hi Ho Cherry O! Fairwell CandyLand! Good riddance Ants in the Pants! While I think these are all great games for you to play with your children, I am excited that my time with them is over. We have gotten to play games like Uno and Yahtzee!

1 comment:

Staci said...

We got the 'shooting' UNO game too... can't wait to play it.

P.S. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE 'Apples to Apples'!! Thanks so much :)

Blessed Family

Halloween Loot!

KinElise watching ANOTHER baseball game. I have started having to bribe them to sit through more baseball!

KP running after a ball.

The Pitcher

The Best Looking Catcher You'll Ever See