Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Grandmother

Some of you know that my grandmother passed away last week. She was very sick and was suffereing from dementia, so I thought that after I said my good bye, it would not be difficult to know that she died. I was wrong. I know that she is in Heaven and she is having a joyful reunion with my grandfather. I understand all of that and am comforted by it, but I miss her. This was the first Christmas in my 32 years that I did not see her for the holidays. When I told the kids that she had died I explained that she would be in Heaven with Jesus for his birthday. That is all they needed to know to be okay with it.
This entry is more for me to jot down some memories, than it is for you, but read on and embrace my memories with me.
So, I did not begin this blog entry to be sad and mournful, but to share a picture or two that would serve as a reminder of the lady that I loved and cherished. Some of the pictures I am looking through have been taken with my mom's camera, so I cannot put them up for you to see, but just know that I have fond memories and will cherish them always.
When I was younger, I remember staying with my grandparents often. When I would ask to stay with them, my mother would usually say something about not having a change of clothes for the next day. That was okay. My grandmother would put me in an old shirt and wash my clothes while I slept. Funny that my mom is the same way with my kids.
I was the only granddaughter for 13 years and was sure spoiled by her. I spent a lot of time with her after my grandfather died.
I remember her being a nervous wreck waiting for the triplets to arrive, but after they came along those babies had a power over her like none other. She could be having the worst of days when I would call. As soon as I mentioned bringing the babies over, she'd suddenly feel like a million dollars.
Even as she got older and less mobile, I could always convince her to go anywhere with the kids and I. These last few months, the kids and I continued to visit her in the nursing home. Halloween night, I got in trouble by her because I did not make it their early enough for her friends to see the kids in their costumes in the dining area. I heard about that for the next couple of visits. Their last visit to the nursing home was the Thursday before she got sick and it was for the resident's Christmas party. My mom took the kids out of school early to attend the party (now I'm sad that I didn't take off work to go). She was thrilled that they were there.
Merry Christmas, Gran! I hope that you enjoyed your first Christmas in Heaven because we certainly missed you here.


Staci said...

Sending hugs to you, my dear...

Laura said...

I have been thinking about my favorite Jackson family alot over Christmas. I pray that your Christmas was wonderful even with the saddness you felt.

Palmer Family said...

Thanks for sharing!! It brought back wonderful memories too. She was always so nice to me & I'm so glad I had the opportunity to know her.

Blessed Family

Halloween Loot!

KinElise watching ANOTHER baseball game. I have started having to bribe them to sit through more baseball!

KP running after a ball.

The Pitcher

The Best Looking Catcher You'll Ever See