Sunday, June 21, 2009

I love my husband!

I love my husband for many reasons but here are 3:

**Being silly with Kayden
**In case you are wondering, those are mustaches.

**Enjoying Ty at the Rangers vs. Yankees game.

**Watching Kinsey tumble

WOW! I feel blessed that our children have Chris for a dad. He is a wonderful father and I am often amazed watching him interact with our children. He works hard and long hours, but still tries to find time and energy for them when he gets home.

Me: What is your favorite thing about Daddy?
Kin: "He does silly things with us." As proven by the above mustache photo

Ty: "He throws the baseball with me and even the football."

Kay: "I like it when he brushes my hair every night."
We love you Daddy.
I love you Chris.

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Blessed Family

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