Wednesday, January 13, 2010

+++++++++++++Got Braces?

Today was a big day at our house. Kayden got braces. Now I know that this is a very routine procedure and it happens to many children, but this is my baby girl! She was pretty excited about it (except for some little **** kid at school who convinced her that standard operating procedure for the correct installation of braces was to drill holes in all of your teeth!)> I was a the one that was nervous. I was amazed at how easily they went on and how quickly. Really, I think that I wanted more for my money, but was glad for her that it was practically painless (at least for today). Here are a few before and after shots. Really she is only 8 years old! I promise! I was there when she was born!

1 comment:

Staci said...

Dang... I thought they *did* drill holes in your teeth. ;) I'm sticking with that theory, though... as in, "Libby, if you don't stop sucking your thumb, you will have to get braces. And the dentist will have to DRILL HOLES IN YOUR TEETH!!" Think it could work?

Blessed Family

Halloween Loot!

KinElise watching ANOTHER baseball game. I have started having to bribe them to sit through more baseball!

KP running after a ball.

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